Church Planting Tag

Cash is the lifeblood to any startup business, organization, and even church. If you are starting a new church or working to grow a smaller church, a misguided financial step...

The entire church’s mission revolves around the ability to reach out into the community and create disciples. However, many churches find their influe...

Vital signs are important for anything living thing. We often do not think about it, but our church has vital signs as well. When things go well, we o...

If you want to experience God as you never have before and witness His hand at work, if you want to wake up to the first though, “Thank God it’s...

Guests that come to your church expect a place to sit, somewhere to park and general friendliness. That’s normal, right? Our churches should be inte...

Every church wants to be successful and experience growth. But what happens when growth stops? Go Big was written for churches just like this to help ...