
“Ministry Library is one of the best leadership development tools I’ve seen in a while!”

~ Mac Lake

During a recent Church Planters meeting, we had the opportunity to sit down and show Mac how we’re helping church leaders and he got to see some of our leadership videos, action plans and workshops.


He liked it so much he asked if we could jump on Periscope to show everyone!


Here’s a replay of our video with Mac Lake!

Here are some of our recent summaries.

We’re adding new videos & workshops every week!


Free Leadership Summary

Amplified Leadership

Our dream is to help Pastors and Church Leadership Team succeed through rapid learning & application of the lessons found in the top leadership development, management and ministry books.



Here is a FREE LEADERSHIP VIDEO that will immediately help you become a better leader and equipper of other leaders around you.

Here’s just some of what our members are learning!

Ways To Develop Leaders For The Future

Tips For Becoming A Better Delegater

Ways To Manage Your Time Better

Common Facility Mistakes That Stop Growth

Skills A Pastor Of 1,000 Should Have

Things To Consider Before Hiring New Staff

Areas Where Your First Impressions Are Lacking

Mistakes To Avoid When Adding A New Service

How To Build Community In Your Staff

Tips For Better Sermon Planning

We help Pastors, Teams & Churches Grow.


By providing weekly Leadership Videos, Action Plans & No-Prep Workshops.

Leadership Resources for Pastors
Leadership Video Summaries for Pastors and Church Leaders

Video Summaries

Ministry Library doesn’t just give you summarized books, our fun hand crafted videos focus on how you can apply the lessons and ideas to your ministry right away. The videos are filled with lists, tips, how-to’s and and extra material to help you better lead your ministry. And yes that is a cardboard cutout of Andy Stanley dressed as a Barista!

No Prep Workshops

Interested in developing your team, as well as yourself?  A subscription to Ministry Library gives you access to workshops that are created to help you and your staff take your church to the next level, by providing you with actionable takeaways, done-for-you resources and group discussion questions that will help you apply the best ideas from our videos.

Workshops designed for Church Leadership Teams and Pastors
PDF print outs of our Leadership Book Summaries

Action Steps

“Notes don’t change anything, actions do. So don’t take notes, take action!”   Each video comes with a printable transcript that’s formatted to help you set goals, take actions and keep deadlines.

Our Growing Leadership Video Library Has Been Featured On

Excellent!  You have surely done your homework. I don’t know anything quite like this on the web. I really love it. Clean, organized, and easy to follow.

Jason  –  Executive Pastor



Plus access to all past videos, action plans & team workshops

Solo Leaders

$17$12 /mo

Billed Annually

Teams of 5

$60 /mo



Teams of 10

$100 /mo