Fostering A Healthy Team Culture

The greatest tensions you will face in your ministry are people tensions. It would be great if we could pastor without people. The problem in the church is people. We are to be spiritual leaders and lead people closer to Christ. Everyone’s broken, including us. I’m glad God uses broken people, including us. 

When Jesus got ready to change the world, he picked a team. Now, just let that sink in for just a minute. He picked a team. Not just a team. He picked a great team. Sometimes we sell the disciples short. I mean, filled with the Holy Spirit they turned the world upside down. He picked a great team. Here’s my question for you, if Jesus needed a team, do you think you and I just might? We need a team. We can’t get isolated. We can’t be a doer, we’ve got to be a developer. We’ve got to spend time with the leaders.

In this video, Shawn Lovejoy talks about what it truly needed to create a maintain a healthy team culture and gives you practical advise for developing your own church leadership culture code.

Team Application Guide

This Application Guide will provide your team with discussion questions to help get conversations started about your team culture. We will also give you some ideas as to how you can begin designing your own Team Culture Code for your organization. By following the map laid out in this application guide, you will be able to walk away with a much better understanding of where your team culture it at. Where it is strong and where it is weak, and our hope is that you’ll walk away with a new perspective as well as some action steps to take your leadership team culture to the next level.


To begin this Application Guide, watch the video by Shawn and then, print off this guide. We would recommend that this Application Guide should be completed by your leadership team in one of your meetings. You can have all the best ideas about team culture, but if the rest of your team isn’t fully on board, you will never reach that culture. First, walk through the Team Discussion Questions below and take some notes on the different responses your team gives. Then move onto the What’s Next section, answering all the questions and providing yourself and your team with any action steps or due dates.

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