Author: Ministry Library

Nelson Searcy in the book Renegade Pastor talks about a battle that many pastors and church leaders face that really isn’t talked about. Yes, we talk about the pastor’s spiritual...

How do you explain why some people are able to achieve things that seem impossible? How is it that some companies, like Apple, year after year, always seem to lead innovation? Why...

The process of hiring additional staff in our churches is often a very precarious task. There really is no written rule of who should get hired or when, just some...

So most teams shy away from conflict. I mean, why would you want to be a part of a team that is fighting am I right? But right there is...

No matter how long your church has had small groups, there always seems to be some questions and unique circumstances that can catch leaders off guard. And while there can...

Planning can be difficult and time consuming. We plan our our meals, our kid’s sports schedules, and vacations. Everything seems like it needs to be planned. And then those couple...

Leadership. It’s the buzzword in churches all across America. We spent tons of time and money trying to learn about leadership. We go to conferences, we listen to podcasts, we...

Great leaders engage and develop others. Most likely this doesn’t come as a surprise to you. It’s the topic of conferences, mentors, and books everywhere. How do I develop others?...

In the book Effective Staffing for Vital Churches, Bill Easum and Bill Tenny-Brittian do an excellent job describing 4 different points of transition in a church’s growth and how pastors...