Author: Ministry Library

Many churches misinterpret relevance as knowing the latest pop culture phrases, music artists, and fashion. Unfortunately, this makes churches seem fake and out of touch. True relevance comes when churches...

Now, your church might be awesome at first impressions. Your parking lot people bring smiles to everyone’s faces and your greeters are on point. But if your guests walk into...

You must understand that social media is not free. Although is does not cost money, it will cost you time. If you are not willing to devote a significant amount...

Coming before God in worship is coming to realization that God is big- bigger than we can comprehend. The Creator of the universe and everything in it desires for you...

Many times churches will consider only those who are currently attending when making adjustments to anything- their worship, programs, etc. However, this is the opposite of what should be taking...

People in your church probably won’t invite others or talk about your church if you don’t create a culture of evangelism. If your people don’t know that it’s important, they...

Have you thought about the idea of having a Big Day at your church to attract people? Sure, there are people that come on Christmas and Easter but let’s be...

Hans Finzel in the book The Top 10 Leadership Commandments says that it’s not if leaders will be opposed, but rather a question of when. While it would be great...

In this blog post, we are going to dive a little deeper into some of the awesome quotes that we pulled out of the book Leadership Smarts. There are a...

The book Irresistible Church gives the reader 12 traits of churches that are not only irresistible to heaven, but are churches that are irresistible to heaven. The concept behind this...